Boy names that start with A
Below you find the list of all boy names starting with the letter A.
Behind the name you can find the meaning of the name. Click on the name for more information about the name, find the origin of the name or to read comments for the name from our visitors.
The list of boy names starting with the letter A is very long. You might be better of using our advanced search tool to use more filter options.
Below you find the list of all boy names starting with the letter A. Behind the name you can find the meaning of the name. Click on the name for more information about the name, find the origin of the name or to read comments for the name from our visitors.
The list of boy names starting with the letter A is very long. You might be better of using our advanced search tool to use more filter options.
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forever or alone, ruler
stern, somber; father; father, priest; servant; noble strength; father of light; father of a multitude (of nations)
father of a multitude (of nations)
Someone that brings joy and happiness
stern, somber; father; father, priest
stern, somber; father
stern, somber; father; father, priest
stern, somber; father; father, priest; father of light
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advanced search tool to use more filter options.